Friday, October 24, 2008

Fall season

When I got home from work today, I decided to do some exercise and ended up walking like 2 miles. It was a nice weather outside and fall season is more visible. Color change of leaves occur now and some are starting to fall. It only means that the transition of seasons won't be that long enough, cold weather will start very soon but I already prepared all my winter clothes and other things. I usually do my winter shopping when winter season ends, it only means that everything will be on sale because they need to get rid all of those winter stuff and starts to prepare for spring season. It saves a lot! Oh it's already past 12, I better go to bed now. Good nigth/Good morning everyone...

1 comment:

Niar said...

hi jazzie, dont you know, that I really want to feel the situations like this,
when I can feel fall seasons, the leaves become red, the weather cold...It's never happened in my place....
is it a maple leaves in your pict??